Mary Elton Primary School

Mary Elton Primary School

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Open events

If you’re a parent with a child starting Reception in September 2025, we invite you to attend one of our open mornings. This will be an opportunity to look around our school, meet our head and deputy head, and ask any questions you have.

We have open events on the following dates:

  • Thursday 12th September, 9:15 -10:30 am and  5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday 17th September,  9:15 -10:30 am
  • Friday 20th September,  9:15 - 10:30 am
  • Wednesday 25th September,  9:15 - 10:30 am

To book your place on an open morning, please email the school office at with your name, contact details and the session you'd like to attend.

If you would like to have an informal conversation about your child joining us, please feel free to give us a call or email and we will happily answer any questions you may have and take you through the process.

Admission arrangements

In-year admissions

All applications for 'in-year' admission to Mary Elton Primary School must be to the school direct. Information regarding applications to the Reception Intake can be found in our admissions policies above.

Admissions contact: Mrs Leanne Jarrett | School Office Manager Tel: 01275 876432


There are 60 places available each year and in the last few years all places have been filled.  

The Local Governing Board will discuss your application and you will be informed of this decision within 10 working days.

Offers for places for the reception classes are usually made in the latter part of Term 4. The decision on who is allocated a place is made by North Somerset and the criterion is set out on their website. If you do not get offered a place at this school you do have a right of appeal. This is made to North Somerset who will inform you of the procedures to be followed.

Reception induction

Our aim is to ensure that the admission of our youngest pupils into the school happens as smoothly and happily as possible. We aim to establish, develop, and maintain a close partnership with parents. We strongly recommend that you engage with our induction meetings held over the summer term to make your child's journey into school as smooth as possible.

  • We have close links with all our local Early Years settings and provide a variety of opportunities for children and parents to visit before the September start.
  • Our reception staff visit the preschools and meet the children.
  • Evening meetings for parents in May/June re-schools bring children to school in May/June.
  • In June/July, parents are invited with their children to join us for activities and to meet other children and parents.
  • In November, we organise a bacon butty morning on a Saturday so that working parents and carers can see what the children have been doing.

September arrangements

During the first week in September, the Mary Elton Early Years team visit the children in their homes. Initially when they start school for the first time, the youngest half of the unit attend school for the mornings only and the oldest come in the afternoon. During the following week, all children attend for mornings only and can stay for a packed lunch or a cooked school dinner. Full time for reception starts in the subsequent week. We think that this provides the children with a suitably phased entry into school with minimal disruption to parents.