Mary Elton Primary School

Mary Elton Primary School

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Whole School Events

16th October 2024 - Y5/6 girls football event

On Wednesday 16th October, Mary Elton attended the Year 5/6 Girls Football at Bristol Grammar School. We played a total of 3 matches and despite the torrential rain, the girls all played well. All of the children represented Mary Elton positively, being respectful and playing fairly. On our return to school, Mrs Lucas made all of the girls a hot chocolate to reward them for their resilience as it was extremely difficult conditions to play football in. 

10th October 2024 - World Mental Health Day!

Today we celebrated world mental health day by wearing the colour yellow. The whole school took part in activities centering around mental health awareness. It was so lovely to hear such positive conversations around mental health, we hope these conversations continue all year round. Thank you for all your donations - we raised £250 for mental health charities. We had a great day. 

9th October 2024 - Year 5/6 Football event

On Wednesday 9 October, Mary Elton attended the Year 5/6 Football at Weston College. We drew our first match with some excellent defending and goalkeeping. Our next matches were both closely contested however we lost both games. All of the children represented Mary Elton positively, showing good sportmanship and playing fairly. 

30th September 2024 - Reading Tea Party

Our annual 'Tea Party' was held on Monday 30th September for all those children who completed the Mary Elton Primary School Summer Reading Challenge this year.  We were delighted that over 100 children attended the event!  This means that each and every child read EACH AND EVERY DAY of the summer holidays, which is a fantastic achievement - they obviously know the importance and value of the treasures inside a good book! We would like to congratulate each and every one of you and hope that you will inspire your friends and family to read more.

26th September 2024 - European Day of Languages!

Today, the whole school celebrated European day of languages. European Day of Languages is celebrated on the 26th of September each year - it is a day where we can celebrate the different languages spoken in Europe. Did you know that there are 24 official languages spoken in Europe? We discussed why it is important to learn other languages and learn about the culture of different countries. Each year group took part in different activities to mark the day. In assembly, we all shared what we had learnt. 


18th September 2024 - National Fitness Day!

Today was National Fitness Day with the theme for this year being 'Your Health is for Life'. We all participated in 10@10 with 10 minutes of active dancing led by Mr Flory.


17th May 2024 - Ukraine Art Exhibition

EYFS and KS1 children created beautiful artwork to celebrate the Ukranian artist Maria Prymachenko. She liked to work in bright colours and paint pictures of animals and plants. Some of our children had their work on show in an exhibition at the Tropicana in Weston. 


17th May 2024 - Eco Summit!

The children had a great time at the inaugural Futura Eco Summit. EYFS and KS1 started us off with a great song with an important message. We then were lucky enough to have an inspirational talk from Tom Walmsley (Head of ministry of Eco Education) who had a lot of exciting stories to tell us. We then spent the rest day discussing and participating in a lot of fun activities designed to ‘Revive’ our school environment.  Well done everyone! We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to all parents/carers/families for all of the donations of resources and time. We also need to thank Cadbury garden centre, Tesco Clevedon and Asda Clevedon for their donations too. The day would not have been possible without this help!

Eco Summit 17th May 2024

26th April 2024 - Bath Rugby experience

Some Y5 children recently had a fantastic opportunity through their rugby club - Clevedon RFC. Through their new connections at Bath Rugby, they were invited as special guests to a match to have some bespoke professional rugby coaching and then be the flag bearers for the match  - creating a guard of honour for the players as they enter the field. 


27th March 2024 - Sports for Champions

Robert Mitchell came into school. Robert is a High Jump Athlete and represents Great Britain. He led an assembly where he talked about his journey as an athlete starting at primary school. He then led the children with some physical activities. Overall, the total amount raised was over £1400. The children participated in all of the activities and it was an enjoyable morning. We wish Robert all the best for his next competition in Sweden. 

7th March 2024 - World Book Day!

We all celebrated our love of reading during World Book Day on Thursday 7th March - children and adults dressed in a variety of creative literary costumes (thank you to all our parents and carers for your support with these!). Our children enjoyed a whole school assembly, a visit to the 'Blind Date Book Swap' at lunchtime and all took home a voucher which they can use to get a free book with! 

18th December 2023 - Whole school bouncing win!

Our fabulous school community - parents, carers, families, friends of families - all voted to help us to win a whole day 'total bounce' with fantastic inflatables! All classes had a slot throughout the day to have fun with the equipment that was gifted to us for the day. Thank you all!


13th December 2023 - Year 5 & 6 Christmas Performance

Years 5 and 6 gave an outstanding performance to a great number of parents, carers and families! It was clear how much effort had gone into learning the songs.


13th December 2023 - Christmas dinner (and Christmas jumpers) 

There was a lovely atmosphere in the hall for our Christmas dinner. The staff enjoyed sitting with the children and singing along to the Christmas music.


13th - 15th December 2023 - EYFS & KS1 nativities

Children from EYFS and KS1 did a fabulous job with their nativities. They worked so hard to learn speaking lines and the song words. The audience absolutely loved watching. 


11th December 2023 - Year 3 & Year 4 Carol Performance

Year 3 and 4 sang their hearts out for the parents/carers to enjoy. They worked really hard to learn the songs and it really showed during their performance.

5th-11th December 2023 - Destination Bethlehem

How fantastic was Destination Bethlehem from Clevedon Baptist Church this year?! Every year they surpass themselves and we are so lucky to be invited! 

First, the shepherds had a problem because they had a hole in their bucket but they sang us a song to that tune to help us to understand more about Christmas. 

Then, Dai Woolridge, a storyteller and award winning spoken word poet, told us about Festive Fred and how he discovered the ‘greatest gift’. We also had a dance with the Cheeky Pandas’ before visiting the stable with the wise men.

The children visited the ‘Bethlehem game zone’ where they were challenged to count the sheep with the shepherds, see who could score the highest points in the flying angels zone and learn how to transport gold without dropping any.

In the bakery, the children decorated gingerbread men - with each element added having a meaning.


16th November 2023 - Children in Need

There was a great array of Pudsey and 'spotacular' outfits across the school today to raise money for Children in Need. 

10th November 2023 - Remembrance Commemorations

At 11am, we all gathered on the playground to listen to the last post and to pay our respects through a 1 minute silence. Keeley then read us a beautiful and poignant poem. 


28th September 2023 - 40th Birthday Celebrations

Over the week that included Mary Elton's 40th Birthday, we celebrated across the school. We had an 80s theme dress up, a cake for all and an 80s dance party!