Mary Elton Primary School

Mary Elton Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 2024-25 with Mr Horne, Mr Hollis-Pack and Mrs Abbott-Garner.

We would encourage you to keep an eye on these pages as we like to share aspects of the children’s learning and experiences from Lime and Holly classes.


15th July 2024 - Maths!

Year 3 had a really interesting and interactive Maths lesson to conclude our learning about shapes. We tried to see how many different cuboids we could make with only 8 cubes, as well as trying to make square based pyramids using straws and playdough - it was much harder than it looked!

15th April 2024 - Brass Band!

Year 3 had the best first day of Term 5 being surprised with a performance by a brass band! They did covers of Backstreet Boys and We Don't Talk About Bruno, as well as explaining the names and pitches of their instruments.

Term 3/4 - Swimming

Year 3 have had a BLAST throughout their swimming lessons Terms 3 and 4! It's been amazing to watch their confidence grow each week and a brilliant way to finish on a Friday.

5th February 2024 - Science

Holly Class were lucky enough to have Mrs Sormani come to school and deliver a mini Science lesson. Matteo worked really hard to create his own volcano out of paper mâché, tin foil and a bottle. We watched his explode and then had a go at making our own chemical reactions with vinegar and bicarbonate of soda! Thank you so much for coming in.

14th September 2023 - Art

In Art, Year 3 have been learning about The Stone Age. We have developed our skills in using different techniques to create our own cave paintings. Can you see hand prints, animals, people? 

21st September 2023 - Computing

Year 3 have been learning about digital devices this term - what they are and how they can make our lives easier. We painted the same picture using real paint and then using paint software on a computer and thought and the advantages and disadvantages of each. 



23rd June 2023 - Magnetic maze games

Year 3 have been using their engineering skills and science knowledge to design and create their own magnetic games. We had a lot of fun escaping mazes, scoring goals and picking up paper clips!


18th May 2023 - Geographers

Year 3 have put their exploring skills to the test, as Geographers, looking at the 6 different biomes in the world. They searched for different plants and animals and considered the characteristics of their biome such as the weather and whether it was bare or full of life. The children loved hearing the sounds of the wildlife and finding hidden animals such as rattlesnakes in the desert.

23rd February 2023 - Volcanic Eruptions

Year 3 have had an exciting first week back as Scientists and Geographers, learning all about how volcanoes are formed and how they erupt! We've even been lucky enough to see some erupt in our playground!

24th January 2023 - PT session

Our Year 3 athletes have had a very active start to 2023! They had a visit from Julie Swann who ran a PT session and highlighted the importance of exercise in being healthy.


9th December 2022 - Pier Visit

Y3 had a lovely, wintry trip to Clevedon Pier on Friday. We explored all the plaques and searched for the famous One Direction one, as well as hunting for answers to our quiz. We learnt about how the Pier collapsed in 1970 and imagined what it would have been like when it first opened in 1869.


1st November 2022 - Chronology

Year 3 have been curious Historians and Geographers this term. We began by unpicking the word chronology and using this knowledge to order pictures of inventions into chronological order. Over the last 6 weeks, we have studied physical artefacts, written sources, photographs, portraits and maps. We have used our critical thinking skills to consider what these things tell us about how people lived in the past.


21st October 2022 - Shadow Puppet Shows

This term, Year 3's Enquiry has been 'Where does darkness come from?' Our challenge was to make shadow puppets on our English story Rama and Sita. We explored how shadows are made as Scientists and using our engineering skills we designed puppets that could move. All of Mary Elton's 5Cs were needed for this enquiry, particularly our collaborative skills in working together to retell the story of Rama and Sita. Enjoy the show!
